Comprehensive SEO for window cleaning companies

It’s easy to think that a physical service like window cleaning is one of the last things that need an online presence. That may have been true a decade ago, but everyone is on the internet now. We’re in an increasingly digital world where most people find services using search engines and social media platforms. So it’s imperative for window cleaning services to enhance their online presence and reach customers.

men cleaning window

There are many strategies you can employ to gain new clients online. Among these, the most effective is search engine optimization or SEO. It’s a process that increases your rankings on a search engine results page (SERP), whether it’s Google, Bing, or Yahoo. If you are somehow able to reach the front page, you can expect a 32% click-through rate on average, resulting in more leads, conversions, and sales.

How does SEO accomplish this feat? Growth Friday, your for affordable local SEO services, has shared the ways this process can help you gain new clients. Keep reading to find out!

SEO and the Window Cleaning Industry

Before we get into the more technical aspect of things, let’s first dive down into the relationship between SEO and the window cleaning industry. Window cleaning belongs to the larger cleaning and janitorial services industry. One major characteristic of this line of work is how easy it is to have repeat clients. If you do your job right the first time, then the customer has a high chance of becoming a long-term client.

That’s why some newer window cleaning companies find it hard to secure new customers. Other companies and property owners already have a trusted company working for them. Thankfully, SEO is here to help. With it, the people who DO need your business will find your website and contact you.

How SEO Helps You Get New Clients

The primary purpose of SEO is visibility. And when your website is optimized to achieve maximum visibility, you’ll reap many benefits — some you won’t even expect. Here are the ways SEO helps you gain new customers.

1. Finds the Right Audience for Your Services

As mentioned, finding clients for a new window cleaning service can be hard. However, SEO is exactly the tool to help you appear in searches. It’s usually people that need window cleaning services who use search engines to find one, especially in their locality. If your website appears first in SERP, there’s a high chance for users to click the link and read what you have to offer.

When writing SEO for a target audience, the most important consideration is geotargeting. This is especially applicable for window cleaning services since clients usually choose businesses within their locality. So aside from adding keywords, it’s good practice to include service areas or your business address in your content.

2. Increases Brand Awareness

It may seem superfluous to think about branding in the window cleaning industry. After all, this concept is just for celebrities and large companies, right? Not really. Branding applies to everything, most especially businesses. It’s how customers can recognize you and the quality of your services. With good branding, even just a color scheme or tagline will immediately make an impression on whoever sees it.

SEO is one of the best tools to increase brand awareness. This is especially important for small businesses with a very specific audience. In this case, it’s all about establishing their trust and loyalty. With a good SEO strategy, you can build a cohesive brand that will make an impact on your target customer. Then it’s all a matter of ensuring that they associate your brand with outstanding services.

3. Establishes You as a Trusted Name

There are two ways that a good SEO strategy can establish you as an authority in the industry. First, high-quality content gives an impression that you have a tight grasp of the subject matter. You might’ve been thinking that keyword-rich content is just for visibility, but it has a secondary effect of showing off your knowledge and building the trust of prospective customers. So make sure that your blogs, press releases, and other website content is accurate and accessible to a general audience.

Another way that SEO establishes you as a trusted company is through the search results themselves. Google and other search engines only display high-quality websites on their results page, so the fact that yours is there is sometimes enough to convince users that your company is trustworthy and reliable.

4. Makes Your Website Easy to Use

There’s another side of SEO called technical SEO, which applies to website health, security, and other related aspects. Search engines prioritize websites that reach certain standards under these technical requirements. Because of these, web designers, developers, and owners are incentivized to improve their websites to improve rankings.

Of course, an improved website means a better user experience. The elements are intuitive, navigation is a breeze, and nothing feels cluttered or out of place. With these qualities in place, users won’t have an issue with your website and are more inclined to read your blogs or contact you for an appointment. A good website alone can make or break their experience with you.

Get the Best SEO Services for Window Cleaning Companies

Now that you know how SEO can help your company, you’ll want to partner with a local firm that can handle your SEO needs. Growth Friday is your source for comprehensive yet affordable local SEO solutions. With our help, you’ll start ranking higher in SERPs and steadily gain new clients. Book your free strategy call today!

Daniel Harman

Founder of Digital Product Labs™, a Los Angeles product management agency providing product leadership, strategy, management, design and engineering services to start-ups and early-stage businesses.

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